Entertaining review (more like evisceration) of Meghan McCain’s “Dirty, Sexy Politics” http://j.mp/b445Ng /via @brianboyer
@daveknapik I know you’re an ornery bastard. I’m not going to begin to try to convince you of anything. (in reply to this tweet)
@daveknapik There’s a difference between “trying” and “trying too hard.” (I like a good dive, too.) (in reply to this tweet)
Enjoying imagining @jsb ‘s voice in his supporting role in the last “Too Much Information” podcast http://j.mp/9KyIa0
@daveknapik I like Simone’s. (in reply to this tweet)
Rogers Parkers: vote up my SeeClickFix ticket: Sunken sewer grate http://bit.ly/a3YQPx
links for 2010-09-15